Paul Gates


A research and strategy piece that helped improved the service experience of intensive care units in hospitals.


Project Overview

  • Role and Responsibilities

    Was a Service Designer who worked with research scientists to observe the intensive care unit and interview physicians. After research was finished, I synthesized the research to make it consumable and actionable.

  • Challenge

    To create a data system that increasing efficiency of documentation while allowing the user to focus on the patient rather than numerous touchpoints.

  • Solution

    A platform that connects numerous data systems together so that physicians can spend less time sifting through data, and spend more time helping patients increasing their chance of improvement.


  • Data in the E.R. and I.C.U.

    To begin understanding how to gauge the amount of data that goes through the Intensive Care Unit (I.C.U.), it was beneficial to compare the different hardware that was in the Emergency Room compared to the I.C.U.

  • Data Produced in a 24 Hour Scenario

    With all of the equipment that monitors a person while in the I.C.U., there is a constant amount of data that is being collected. And if a health complication arises the amount of data that is recorded increases significantly. The amount of data can become so large and time consuming that it could distract the Resident or Nurse from concentrating on the patient in need.

  • Other Complications

    During the qualitative stages of our research we were able to interview numerous Residents and Nurses to learn about their daily routine and touch points they interact with. One common problem we found was how orders can get misinterpreted down the chain of command causing nurses to proceed with incorrect dosages or tasks.